Friday, January 15, 2010


  1. Cool sesne of desolation and solitude created by the mist! Makes me think of a movie with John Cusack. The tree on the right would be an excellent subject in its own right!

  2. Wow, that looks very eerie and ominous with that mist in the distance. And the crooked poles and wires sort of add to the desolate and deserted feeling. The tree is awesome too although I would have been tempted to pull it into the frame a little more. Nice shot.

  3. You really captured bleakness and isolation.. just seems like like a really dreary day where you want to hide under your covers.

  4. This is bleak, and the poor tree looks so lonely. You are very brave to go out in this weather, I'm grateful you did as it is showing me the stark difference between countries.

  5. As eury said, this really does capture the bleakness and isolation. It would be entitled "In the bleak mid winter".

  6. What a moody picture! Very well done.

    Oh, and I love Andromeda's title suggestion.

  7. Beautiful image - great scene and wonderful tonal range. Well done!
