Sunday, January 31, 2010

Field drainage Ditch ( I played with the Curves)


  1. Thanks for sharing the cold and bleak winter in Indiana! For those of us in the warmer climates (Southern California here), it's been a real eye opener! I've enjoyed watching your gallery grow, and the overall portrait of winter makes me thankful for the sun and warmth I tend to take for granted! :)

  2. Oh this photo is beautiful. Thank you for sharing the snow pictures. I don't get snow, and it is nice to get to enjoy them through photos.

  3. Thanks for braving the cold to go out and take pictures for this challenge. However bleak winter can be, you have shown us it can also be beautiful!

  4. You've produced a very striking photo for the final one in your gallery. Well done for finishing! I hope you had fun.

    I especially liked days:
    11. They look so cute (I'm sure in reality they're not). The sun shining on them really adds to the effectiveness of the shot.
    25. Great perspective stuff going on here.
    28. I can't tell you why I like this one, I just do!

    Thanks for sharing your photos with us. I'm glad you took part. :-)

  5. You have made the drainage ditch very pretty with warm tones and light to complement the snow.
    Congratulations on finishing the challenge and thank you sharing a cold Indiana winter with us.
    I think my fave is the fence line shot.

  6. A beautiful and striking final image. The rust-reds set off the snow and the curves of the drainage ditch very well.

    Congratulations on finishing a whole month of getting out there and braving the cold! Your gallery is well worth the effort, so very well done!
